Thomas Rowell

He is a photographer and multidisciplinary storyteller, National Geographic Explorer, member of the Explorer’s Club in New York City, and a connoisseur of fine chips and salsa. He studied theatre directing at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and soon after had residencies in dance and mask at the Waaw Centre in Sénégal and directing at the Kennedy Center for the performing arts. His first documentary project followed dedicated conservationists working to conserve the critically endangered Álala. He has filmed and photographed conservation efforts with the northern white rhino in Kenya and the US and worked with asian elephants, sloth bears and leopards in India alongside Wildlife SOS India. Thomas feels most like himself near a stream in the forest somewhere in the mountains. 

is finding his way home.

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While many projects are financed in part by grant funding, the majority of my work begins as an impulse and requires my own backing to see it through the finish line. A donation of any amount can make an enormous difference in my ability to pursue stories before, during and after they have taken flight. Thank you.

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